Who survived in Yellowjackets?

Publish date: 2024-05-04
In Yellowjackets season 1, the audience is only introduced to four surviving members of the Yellowjackets soccer team: Shauna, Nat, Tai, and Misty; however, there are several mentions of "others" who made it out of the woods in one piece.

Does Van survive in Yellowjackets?

Throughout the course of Yellowjackets season 1, it looks like Van is killed off twice, first being left to die on the plane and then being mauled by wolves at night, but Van survives both incidents.

How many survived in Yellowjackets?

The show has hinted at other survivors over the season, and the cannibal scene in episode one suggests that there were at least eight survivors by that point, including Misty. That leaves three others at a minimum.

Who all survived the plane crash in Yellowjackets?

Steven Krueger stars on the show as Ben Scott, who was the assistant coach of the Yellowjackets soccer team and the only adult to survive the plane crash. Peter Gadiot, Liv Hewson, Alex Wyndham, Kevin Alves, Luciano Leroux, Courtney Eaton, and Warren Kole also star in the show.

Is Jackie still alive in Yellowjackets?

Namely: Jackie. As one of the main characters in the wilderness timeline, Jackie is clearly an important part of Yellowjackets. It's unlikely she simply dies off during the winter of starvation, so there are two likely options: either she's the girl that everyone winds up eating, or she survived the entire ordeal.

Yellowjackets Speculation & Spoilers #2: Who Survives Edition

Who dies in the Yellowjackets?

Yellowjackets only ever showed glimpses of adult Travis, so the tragedy of his death flows from its impact on Natalie. Although it seems like they didn't wind up together, their romance lingered over the years as they helped one another stay sober and survive life after the wilderness.

Who dies in the opening of Yellowjackets?

Who Dies in the Yellowjackets Season 1 Finale? Though an almost unbearable feeling of dread exists through most of the episode, the only person who officially dies in “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi” is Yellowjackets team captain Jackie.

Is Javi dead in Yellowjackets?

And yet, one of the biggest reveals in “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi” is that Jackie died from exposure on a random night.

What happens to Jackie in Yellowjackets?

At the end of season 1's last episode, Jackie died after being forced to survive outside on her own.

Is Tai The lady in the tree?

As the episode closes out, we finally get some answers over who the woman in the tree is that Sammy has been seeing. It's Tai. She awakens with a bloodied hand, that same strange sigil from before and a confused, panicked reaction over what's going on.

What happens to Vanessa in Yellowjackets?

The party is attacked by wolves and Vanessa is savagely mauled in the face. Believing Vanessa to be dead, the girls prepare a funeral pyre. Thankfully, however, before they truly get started, Vanessa flickers her eyes, causing them to realize that she is alive and roll her out of harm's way.

What happens to Shawn's baby in Yellowjackets?

Shauna Sacrifices The Baby For Their Rescue

While it seems that Shauna doesn't believe in the supernatural powers of the forest in the same way that Lottie does, this is also what Taissa said, and Yellowjackets' season 1 finale revealed an altar in her basement with the symbol.

What happens to Lottie in Yellowjackets?

In Yellowjackets' season 1 finale, it was revealed that not only is Lottie (played as a teen by Courtney Eaton) still alive in the present day, but also, she was the one responsible for emptying Travis' bank account after his death ... and now she seems to be running some kind of cult?

Who did Jackie see when she died in Yellowjackets?

The role of “Hunter” is played by William Charles Vaughn. Based on the supplies of food and ammunition, the man living in the cabin was certainly either a hunter or a survivalist, so this is likely the identity of the man in Jackie's vision in the Yellowjackets season 1 finale.

What happens to coach in Yellowjackets?

Coach Scott is the only adult to survive the crash, as Head Coach Bill Martinez is killed along with the plane's pilot and other flight crew. Coach Scott is poisoned by Misty after resisting her advances.

Did they eat Jackie Yellowjackets?

Although Jackie was long thought to be the “pit girl” in the Yellowjackets premiere episode, the season 1 finale made it clear that members of the titular team engage in cannibalism with a different character.

Is Adam dead in Yellowjackets?

Spoiler: Adam is dead. Yep, cold, hard, dead thanks to Shauna's expertly-honed knife skills. Following the botched blackmail heist, Shauna confronted Adam about his shady past (he didn't go to Pratt!) and why there was glitter in her closet. Turns out, the true thief is Shauna's husband, Jeff (Warren Kole).

Is Havi Adam in Yellowjackets?

Many viewers following this puzzle box Showtime drama have arrived at the conclusion that Adam is really Javi, Coach Martinez's young son who came on the Yellowjackets trip to Nationals with his older sibling Travis.

Does Lottie survive Yellowjackets?

So that's confirmed then. Lottie survived the woods and is still alive now in the present day. Who will play her remains to be seen, but we're hoping for another '90s legend to take the reins and lead this cult that Lottie now seems to be the head of.

Which girl dies at the beginning of Yellowjackets?

In the present-day timeline of Yellowjackets, a middle-aged Shauna teams up with Taissa, Misty, and Natalie. While Travis did survive, he is found dead early in the season. Laura Lee dies while trying to escape in a helicopter.

What happened in the last episode of Yellowjackets?

Lottie Matthews is still alive!

Nat is in her motel room with a gun to her neck, seconds away from dying by suicide, when she gets a call from the rehab frenemy she's been blackmailing to look into Travis' back account. Turns out, it was Lottie who drained Travis' bank accounts after his death.

Is Shauna pregnant in Yellowjackets?

Contains spoilers for 'Yellowjackets'

Although her attempts to hide the pregnancy failed early on in the season, she fails and it is revealed that she is pregnant with her best friend, Jackie's (Ella Purnell) boyfriend's baby.

Who sent the postcards in Yellowjackets?

All Clues To Yellowjackets' Jeff Twist

One of the biggest clues suggesting early on that Jeff might be the blackmailer was that Shauna did not get a threatening postcard like the other women did, which they assumed were from Travis' killer.

Why is Taissa eating dirt Yellowjackets?

It seems that the primary catalyst for Taissa's dirt-eating habit is stress, as she first begins the habit when in the stressful situation of trying to survive in the wilderness, then returns to it in Yellowjackets' 2021 timeline when the stress of the campaign and Jeff secretly blackmailing them takes a toll on her.

Who falls in the pit in Yellowjackets?

Theory #1: Jackie got eaten.

Moments later, she falls into a pit lined with spikes and is impaled. Her body is then strung up and slaughtered like a deer carcass and the rest of the crew chows down, wearing terrifying costumes that hide their identities.
