Suki Waterhouse Takes Centerstage in Sunday's Episode of The White Princess

Publish date: 2024-05-05

At this point, we're actually wondering: What can't Suki Waterhouse do? The British beauty has taken to the catwalk for some of the world's biggest brands, posed in some major fashion and beauty campaigns, co-created the Pop & Suki accessories line, and is a pretty stellar actress on top of all that.

Her latest endeavor is as Cecily of York on The White Princess and Waterhouse takes centerstage in this Sunday's second episode, in which she faces off with Michelle Fairley (former Game of Thrones star and Stark family matriarch Lady Catelyn), who plays Countess of Richmond and Derby, Margaret Beaufort.

In an exclusive preview clip above, the scene opens in a regal garden, littered with flowers, where Beaufort addresses the Duchess of York with some small talk. "Your dresses?" the former inquires about her wardrobe. "Oh yes. Lizzie has so many, I seem to have been forgotten," Cecily humbly admits. Naturally, they would have Waterhouse talk about fashion in her role, though she'd look good in veritably anything.

But the conversation takes a shady turn when the Countess challenges the young Duchess. "And your mother, how is she?" she asks. "It must be hard for her now in my shadow. Hard for her to lose?" The York royal claps back with, "Oh my mother doesn't lose. She always finds a way to win. Ask Lizzie, they're hand in glove together."

Ladies and gents, the next episode is going to be juicy! The White Princess airs on Starz on Sunday nights at 8 p.m ET.
