Wanna Feel Old? Let's Check in With the Gosselin Kids From 'Jon & Kate Plus 8'!

Publish date: 2024-05-07

It's been over 15 years since 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' dropped on TLC, introducing us to two folks, a set of twins, and sextuplets. Where are the kids now?

Source: TLC

'Jon & Kate Plus 8'

If pressed to choose what most of us think of first when asked about TLC's mid-aughts hit reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, we would probably say Kate's reverse mullet. Following on its heels, folks would probably talk about how one woman gave birth to a set of twins and then sextuplets. That's right, the 8 in Jon & Kate Plus 8 refers to eight children and two counts of labor.

During the show's decade-long run, Jon and Kate Gosselin divorced and entered into a custody battle which ended in May 2022 when the sextuplets turned 18. Now that most of them are old enough to vote and a couple are able to legally drink, we thought we would make ourselves feel like ancient crones from days of yore by checking in with the brood. Where are the Gosselin kids now and can they help us get up off this chair? You see, our knees are bad.

Mady and Cara Gosselin

Source: Instagram/@kateplusmy8

(L-R): Mady and Cara Gosselin

Twins Mady and Cara Gosselin were 7 years old when the show started. According to inTouch Weekly, they are both seniors in college, but the twist is that they're not at the same school. Mady is at Syracuse University in upstate New York whereas Cara is at Fordham University in New York City. Mady is a bit more active on social media, and regularly posts videos to her TikTok like this one about senior year dorm life. Evidently it's all about communal showers/sinks and smoothies.

Hannah and Collin Gosselin

Source: Instagram/@jongosselin1

Hannah and Collin Gosselin

As of August 2021, 18-year-olds Hannah and Collin both live with their father Jon and rarely speak to Kate. In an interview with ET Online, Hannah explained that she always felt closer to her dad than her mom. She never had to fight for attention when it came to Jon.

Collin's decision came after he was sent to an institution for three years by Kate so they could work on his "special needs," per CBS News. Their relationship was fractured because of that and their time on television, so Collin opted to stick with Jon.

Joel, Aaden, Leah, and Alexis Gosselin

Source: Instagram/@kateplusmy8

(L-R): Joel, Aaden, Leah, and Alexis Gosselin at their 15th birthday party in 2019

The four remaining sextuplets still live with Kate where she now resides, in North Carolina. They appear to be caught in the middle of the recently concluded custody battle. Not only did they pick Kate, but they also speak less frequently to Hannah and Collin though they do remain in touch.

Kate posts very infrequently on her own Instagram but when she does, it's sometimes life updates about the kids who live with her. We get snippets of information such as Joel getting his braces off in May 2019.
