Fauda Season 4 Ending Explained: Should You Stream It or Not?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Fauda Season 4 Ending Explained: Since there are no ambiguities in Fauda, it has been a reliable hit for Netflix. There are good guys and bad guys, and the good guys feel like family as they unite to defeat the bad guys. The first new season of the show since 2020 premieres, and it’s been picked up in overseas markets.

Fauda Season 4: Should You Stream It or Not?

The opening scene takes place in the Palestinian city of Jenin when an armored truck is seen moving along the road. The Thieves: A band of armed thieves intercepts the armored truck, but they have no idea that it is an IDF sting operation being conducted by the Mista’arvim unit.

Sagi (Idan Amedi), a covert agent working under orders from the mission’s leader Dana (Meirav Shirom), ambushes the thieves and pursues one of them through the streets in an effort to bring him alive. To ensure that they pick up Sagi, another agent, Nurit (Rona-Lee Shim’on), drives the truck while Eli (Yaakov Zada Daniel) and Steve Pinto (Doron Ben-David) tend to a wounded robber.

When Dana interrogates the lone survivor of the robbery, she learns that the target is an ally of the police force: the boss. He gives up an address after being asked to interview his worker. A raid at that location indicates that someone, possibly Hamas or Hezbollah, is planning something significant.

After being expelled from Mista’arvim for the murder of a teammate, Doron Kavillo (Lior Raz) is now helping out on his family’s farm. Having just beaten the crap out of two thieves who were attempting to steal one of his horses, he is greeted at the police station by Gabi, aka Captain Eyov (Itzik Cohen). Omar (Amir Boutrous), whom he views as a son, is getting cold feet while working underground in a Hezbollah cell planning a huge attack, and he begs Doron to accompany him to Brussels to talk to him.

But first, he insists that Doron attend Sagi and Nurit’s wedding. The squad there welcomes him with open arms, however, he gets into an argument with a drunk Eli, who testifies as commander that Doron is unfit for service.

Fauda Season 4 Ending Explained (1)

Doron, in Brussels, wonders why he was ever cut from the team and explains to Gabi why he hasn’t spoken to his former coworkers in over a decade. It’s against the procedure, but Gabi goes along with Omar’s plan to have them meet in his apartment instead of the safe house. The other agents are ambushed while Doron is guarding the front door, and by the time he returns to the apartment, both Omar and Gabi have left.

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Fauda Season 4 Ending Explained

How Does Doron Feel About the Idea?

The government gets in touch with Maya to tell her they’ve decided to release Omar’s body. She helps her mother pick it up and returns it to Jenin in time for the burial.

Dana gives an overview of the plan to everyone, but Doron isn’t pleased because it will get Maya into even more difficulty. Dana advises him to consult Gabi as it was Gabi’s idea to do so in the first place.

Doron returns to his house and tells Gabi he doesn’t approve of his plan. According to Gabi, Adel can’t rise to power unchecked because he divulged all of his secrets.

What Happens at a Funeral?

The group disguises themselves as Hamas militants and breaks into the hospital where Omar is being held. After removing his body, they tell Maya and the others to accompany the funeral procession they are leading.

When Adel hears about the Hamas soldiers, he makes haste to meet them. Maya begs the troops to leave them alone, but Doron takes her aside and warns that they could be in danger if they stay where they are.

Fauda Season 4 Ending Explained (1)


Maya shouts out that they are not Hamas but rather special forces, just as Adel arrives and prepares to confront them. With the authorities hot on his trail, Adel makes a hasty retreat to his stronghold.

Does the Group Manage Adel?

Eli and his men rush toward the gun battle to aid the besieged IDF troops. They make it, but Adel’s soldiers have boxed them in. Sagi is shot by a sniper while they are running for their lives.

As Steve tries to get Sagi to safety, he is also shot. After the sniper fires at Eli as well, Doron and Shani enter the building to eliminate the threat.

Adel shoots Shani in the back, and Doron pursues him. Doron prevails in a struggle with Adel, who stabs him in the stomach and then kills Adel. He returns to the ground where his squad members are still struggling for survival as a helicopter comes in to pick them up.
