Scoot McNairy Filmography: Movies and TV Shows

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Scoot McNairy, born on November 11, 1977, in Dallas, Texas, is an American actor and film producer known for his roles in various movies and TV shows. He began his career in the early 2000s and has since appeared in a wide range of films and television series, showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor. Explore the extensive filmography of Scoot McNairy, including his popular roles, latest projects, and notable on-screen appearances.

scoot mcnairy movies and tv shows

Key Takeaways:

Early Career and Breakthrough

During the early 2000s, Scoot McNairy embarked on his acting journey, starting with small but impactful roles in various films. He made appearances in “Wonderland” (2003), “Herbie: Fully Loaded” (2005), and “Art School Confidential” (2006). These early roles allowed McNairy to showcase his talent and versatility, setting the foundation for his breakthrough in the indie romantic comedy “In Search of a Midnight Kiss” (2007). In this film, he not only showcased his acting skills but also served as a producer, marking a significant milestone in his career.

“In Search of a Midnight Kiss” received critical acclaim and became a turning point for McNairy. His performance in the lead role garnered attention and praise, establishing him as a rising star in the industry. The film’s success opened doors for him, leading to more significant opportunities and collaborations with acclaimed directors and fellow actors.

McNairy’s early career and breakthrough highlight his determination to make a name for himself in the competitive world of acting. His dedication to his craft, combined with his talent and versatility, propelled him forward, setting the stage for a successful and diverse filmography.

Major Film Roles

Scoot McNairy’s career is highlighted by his impressive filmography and the diverse range of roles he has taken on. He has appeared in numerous notable films, showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor. Some of his major film roles include:

Killing Them Softly2012
12 Years a Slave2013
Gone Girl2014
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice2016

These films have not only allowed McNairy to work with acclaimed directors but have also given him the opportunity to share the screen with A-list actors, further solidifying his reputation as a talented and sought-after performer in the film industry.

McNairy’s ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters has made him a standout presence on the big screen. His performances have captivated audiences and critics alike, earning him recognition for his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft.

“Scoot McNairy’s film roles demonstrate his range as an actor and his ability to immerse himself in diverse and complex characters. From gripping dramas to thrilling suspense stories, his performances are consistently compelling and memorable.” – Film Critic

With each new project, McNairy continues to push boundaries and challenge himself, making significant contributions to the world of cinema.

Scoot McNairy’s Television Work

Scoot McNairy’s talent and versatility extend beyond the silver screen. He has also made notable appearances in various television shows, showcasing his ability to captivate audiences in both mediums. Let’s take a closer look at some of his notable television work.

Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017)

In the critically acclaimed AMC period drama “Halt and Catch Fire,” Scoot McNairy played the role of Gordon Clark. The series follows the rise of the personal computer revolution in the early 1980s and explores the personal and professional lives of the characters involved. McNairy’s portrayal of Gordon Clark earned him praise for his nuanced performance and compelling portrayal of a complex character.

True Detective (2019)

In the third season of the popular anthology crime series “True Detective,” Scoot McNairy joined the star-studded cast. He played the role of Tom Purcell, a grieving father drawn into a dark and mysterious case. McNairy’s performance in the series showcased his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters, further cementing his reputation as a talented actor.

Godless (2017)

Scoot McNairy’s television work also includes the Netflix western miniseries “Godless.” Set in the 1880s, the series tells the story of a town inhabited solely by women after a mining accident leaves the men dead. McNairy portrayed the enigmatic and troubled sheriff Bill McNue. His performance in “Godless” was widely praised, with critics commending his ability to bring complexity and emotional depth to his character.

Through his television work, Scoot McNairy has proven his ability to tackle diverse roles and deliver captivating performances. Whether it’s the complex Gordon Clark in “Halt and Catch Fire,” the grieving father Tom Purcell in “True Detective,” or the troubled sheriff Bill McNue in “Godless,” McNairy’s talent shines through, making him a sought-after actor in both the film and television industries.

scoot mcnairy television shows image

Awards and Recognition

Scoot McNairy’s exceptional talent and dedication to his craft have earned him recognition and acclaim in the entertainment industry. Throughout his career, he has been honored with several nominations and awards for his outstanding performances. Here are some highlights of Scoot McNairy’s accolades:

Independent Spirit Award2010Best Supporting MaleMonsters
Screen Actors Guild Award2013Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion PictureArgo
Primetime Emmy Award2017Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or MovieGodless

These are just a few examples of the recognition Scoot McNairy has received throughout his career. His performances have resonated with audiences and critics, earning him a reputation as a versatile and talented actor. McNairy’s ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters has been celebrated by his peers in the industry.

“Scoot McNairy’s commitment to his craft shines through in every role he undertakes. He possesses a rare ability to captivate viewers and bring emotional depth to his characters.” – Film Critic

Scoot McNairy: Personal Life and Trivia

Scoot McNairy, born on November 11, 1977, in Dallas, Texas, has not only made a name for himself in the entertainment industry but also has an interesting personal life. Known for his dedication to his craft, McNairy has overcome challenges, such as dyslexia, to become the talented actor he is today. In addition to his professional achievements, he has also established a meaningful personal life, including his marriage to actress Whitney Able and their two children.

McNairy’s dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects reading and writing, has accompanied him throughout his life and career. Despite this challenge, he has been vocal about his journey in overcoming it, serving as an inspiration to others facing similar obstacles. McNairy’s commitment to his craft and his ability to deliver compelling performances is a testament to his determination and perseverance.

In his personal life, McNairy has found love with actress Whitney Able, known for her roles in “Monsters” (2010) and “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane” (2006). The couple married and has two children together, creating a loving and supportive family environment.

Aside from his acting career, McNairy has also made appearances in music videos, including Death Cab for Cutie’s “A Movie Script Ending” (2002) and Regina Spektor’s “Fidelity” (2006). He has also showcased his talents as a producer on projects such as the indie romantic comedy “In Search of a Midnight Kiss” (2007). His diverse range of collaborations and ventures further highlight his multifaceted talent within the entertainment industry.

Upcoming Projects

Scoot McNairy, the talented actor and producer, has an exciting lineup of projects in the works. From intense dramas to thrilling films, his upcoming roles promise to captivate audiences and showcase his versatility as an actor.

Upcoming Films

McNairy is currently filming the highly anticipated drama “The Line,” where he will be portraying a complex and compelling character. Additionally, he is set to appear in the films “Fairyland,” “Blonde,” and “Luckiest Girl Alive,” each offering unique stories and dynamic roles.

One of the highlights of McNairy’s filmography is his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters. From indie gems to blockbuster hits, he consistently delivers powerful performances that resonate with audiences. His upcoming projects are expected to be no exception.

Television Role

In addition to his film work, McNairy has been cast in the upcoming third season of the Amazon Prime series “Invincible.” This animated superhero show has gained a dedicated fan base and explores intriguing narratives with complex characters. McNairy’s involvement in this series is sure to excite fans and further showcase his talent.

With these exciting projects on the horizon, fans and industry insiders eagerly anticipate the continued success and growth of Scoot McNairy’s career. His ability to select diverse and captivating roles has solidified his status as one of the most talented actors in the industry.

FilmRelease YearRole
The Line2022Unknown
Luckiest Girl Alive2023Unknown

Other Ventures and Collaborations

Scoot McNairy’s talent and passion for the entertainment industry extend beyond acting. He has ventured into various creative endeavors, showcasing his multifaceted skills and collaborations. In addition to his notable filmography, McNairy has made appearances in music videos, adding another dimension to his artistic repertoire.

One of his notable appearances includes Death Cab for Cutie’s music video for “A Movie Script Ending” (2002), where he captivated audiences with his on-screen presence. He also showcased his acting abilities in Regina Spektor’s music video for “Fidelity” (2006), further highlighting his versatility as a performer.

Furthermore, Scoot McNairy has worked as a producer on projects like the indie romantic comedy “In Search of a Midnight Kiss” (2007), where he also played the lead role. This experience allowed him to delve into the creative process behind the scenes, contributing to the overall production and success of the film.

“Acting allows me to explore different characters and tell compelling stories, but I also enjoy collaborating with other artists and being part of the creative process in various capacities,” McNairy shared.

McNairy’s diverse range of ventures and collaborations showcases his dedication to exploring different aspects of the entertainment industry and his ability to excel in various roles, both in front of and behind the camera.

Other Ventures and CollaborationsExamples
Music Videos“A Movie Script Ending” (2002) by Death Cab for Cutie
“Fidelity” (2006) by Regina Spektor
Producer“In Search of a Midnight Kiss” (2007)

scoot mcnairy other work

Scoot McNairy: IMDbPro and Personal Details

To gain a comprehensive understanding of Scoot McNairy’s career and personal details, his IMDbPro page serves as a valuable resource. IMDbPro offers a detailed filmography, highlighting his extensive body of work across various movies and television shows. It also provides information on his awards and recognitions, showcasing his talent and critical acclaim. Navigating through his IMDbPro page allows fans and industry professionals alike to delve deeper into his versatile career.

In addition to his filmography, IMDbPro offers insights into Scoot McNairy’s personal details. While specific details may vary, his page typically showcases information such as his birthdate, birthplace, and other pertinent background information. Understanding these personal details adds depth and context to McNairy’s journey in the entertainment industry.

IMDbPro Details
TitleScoot McNairy: IMDbPro
Keywordsscoot mcnairy IMDbPro, scoot mcnairy personal details

Whether you’re an avid fan or a professional in the entertainment industry, exploring Scoot McNairy’s IMDbPro page provides a deeper understanding of his career trajectory and personal background. It offers a comprehensive overview of his filmography, awards, and personal details, allowing you to appreciate his journey and the impact he continues to make in the entertainment world.

Scoot McNairy IMDbPro


  • Social Media and Fan Engagement

    Scoot McNairy actively engages with his fans and followers through various social media platforms, providing them with insights into his projects and behind-the-scenes glimpses into his work. By following McNairy on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, fans can stay connected and up-to-date with his latest news and updates.

    On Twitter, McNairy shares his thoughts, interacts with fans, and announces new projects. His tweets offer a glimpse into his personality and provide a more personal connection with his followers. McNairy’s Instagram account gives fans a visual treat, featuring photos from his projects, on-set experiences, and glimpses into his personal life.

    “Social media has opened up a whole new way for me to connect with my fans, and it’s something I really enjoy. Sharing my journey and receiving their support and feedback brings a whole new level of fulfillment to my work.” – Scoot McNairy

    In addition to sharing updates, McNairy often uses his platforms to support causes and projects he cares about, raising awareness and encouraging his followers to get involved. His engagement goes beyond just promoting his own work, showing his dedication to making a positive impact both on and off the screen.

    Engaging with Fans

    McNairy’s active presence on social media allows fans to interact with him directly, whether it’s through comments, likes, or direct messages. He takes the time to respond and express his gratitude for the support he receives, creating a sense of community and appreciation among his fanbase.

    Through his engaging posts and interactions, McNairy fosters a genuine connection with his fans, making them feel valued and part of his journey. This level of accessibility and interaction has endeared him to his followers and further solidified his position as a fan-favorite actor in the industry.

    scoot mcnairy social media


    Scoot McNairy’s extensive filmography and diverse range of roles have solidified his place as a versatile and respected actor in the industry. From his breakthrough in “In Search of a Midnight Kiss” to his involvement in critically acclaimed films like “Argo” and “12 Years a Slave,” McNairy’s talent and commitment to his craft continue to captivate audiences.

    Whether he’s portraying complex characters in films or showcasing his versatility in television shows like “Halt and Catch Fire,” McNairy consistently delivers compelling performances that leave a lasting impression. His dedication to his work and his ability to embody different personalities have made him a sought-after actor in Hollywood.

    As he continues to take on new projects and explore different genres, Scoot McNairy’s career promises to be an exciting journey to follow. His upcoming films and television appearances, such as “The Line” and the third season of “Invincible,” are sure to showcase his range and further establish his place in the entertainment world.

    Whether you are a fan of McNairy’s work or simply appreciate great acting, Scoot McNairy’s contributions to the film and television industries are worth celebrating. With his talent, dedication, and ongoing commitment to delivering captivating performances, it’s clear that his career is on an upward trajectory.


    When was Scoot McNairy born?

    Scoot McNairy was born on November 11, 1977.

    What is Scoot McNairy known for?

    Scoot McNairy is known for his roles in various movies and TV shows.

    What are some of Scoot McNairy’s popular film roles?

    Some of Scoot McNairy’s popular film roles include “Monsters” (2010), “Argo” (2012), “Killing Them Softly” (2012), “12 Years a Slave” (2013), “Gone Girl” (2014), and “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016).

    What television shows has Scoot McNairy appeared in?

    Scoot McNairy has appeared in television shows such as “Halt and Catch Fire” (2014-2017), “True Detective” (2019), and “Godless” (2017).

    Has Scoot McNairy received any awards for his work?

    Yes, Scoot McNairy has received critical acclaim and recognition for his performances, earning nominations and awards throughout his career.

    How does Scoot McNairy engage with his fans?

    Scoot McNairy actively engages with his fans through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where he shares updates and interacts with his followers.

    What upcoming projects does Scoot McNairy have?

    Scoot McNairy is currently filming the drama “The Line” and will also appear in the films “Fairyland,” “Blonde,” and “Luckiest Girl Alive.” He has also been cast in the upcoming third season of the Amazon Prime series “Invincible.”

    Has Scoot McNairy been involved in any other ventures?

    Yes, Scoot McNairy has appeared in music videos and has also worked as a producer on various projects.

    Where can I find more information about Scoot McNairy’s career and personal details?

    You can find a comprehensive overview of Scoot McNairy’s career, including a detailed filmography, awards, and personal details, on his IMDbPro page.

    How can I stay updated on Scoot McNairy’s latest news?

    You can follow Scoot McNairy on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to stay connected and receive updates on his projects and behind-the-scenes photos.

    What is Scoot McNairy’s impact in the entertainment industry?

    Scoot McNairy’s extensive filmography, diverse roles, and commitment to his craft have solidified his place as a versatile and respected actor, leaving a lasting impression in the entertainment world.
