Should there be a women's Royal Rumble match?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

It doesn't matter if there should or shouldn't be. It's not going to happen. So there's no point in talking about it

What an insightful and well-thought out post! Thank you for your opinion; we at WrestleZone truly appreciate one person's opinion on what other people should or shouldn't be talking about. Don't confuse this for me being salty; I get five cents every time someone on this board says "that will never happen" when it eventually does, and I'm planning on early retirement in a couple of years with that money.

That being said, the WWE could easily pull off a 20-woman Royal Rumble, between their televised brands, NXT, and surprise guest appearances; and it wouldn't really be different than the male Royal Rumble. Most people in it aren't serious contenders, and it would be used to tell a story between two to four of the main competitors, with perhaps an undercard feud being set up in the meantime. It's not a level of talent issue; battle royals aren't exactly masterpieces of construction to begin with.

A woman's Royal Rumble would suffer from two problems, however. The first is the curse of expectations. The women couldn't go out there and just do a battle royal; if it's not great or even above average, people will shit all over it. The bar has been raised concerning what people expect from the Women's Division, and if they don't meet the high expectations they've set for themselves, people will be disappointed- killing the concept for future years. And doing a great battle royal is an incredibly difficult thing to pull off. Any asshole can send twenty people into a ring and tell them who the last person over is; well constructed battle royals involve multiple moving parts, all executing flawlessly.

Which leads into the second problem- the Royal Rumble is an inherently boring match which takes well over an hour to finish. It has a bit of storytelling with the first two or three competitors, then a lot of dead time as they fill up the ring with people for Kane, Reigns, Big Show or Strowman to eliminate. So on top of the seventy-five minute men's Royal Rumble, we're now talking about adding another forty-five minute women's Royal Rumble. Which sounds like one long-ass boring Network special.

I would really like to see a Women's Royal Rumble, in spite of the above two problems; if there's a group of women that could pull it off and make it interesting, it's the group that the WWE has now. But if the WWE does do a WRR, it can't be half or even quarter assed; and it probably shouldn't happen in January. Unless it's on RAW, which now that I think about it, sounds like pretty good advertising for the men's Royal Rumble.
